Over the next few weeks we are going to spotlight several Class of 2018 graduates who are finishing up their first year at college. We wanted to see how they are doing and how they consider their days at FPD.
Vivianna Chang
Vivianna started at FPD in Kindergarten is now attending Mercer, majoring in biology.
How do you feel FPD prepared you academically for college?
FPD did a fantastic job on academically preparing me for college. I found that many of my smaller classes are really similar to my classes at FPD, such as the style of teaching or the ways of testing. The amount of work, materials, and the rigor of some of my classes at FPD has definitely helped me with my classes in college.
How do you feel FPD prepared you spiritually to be off “on your own”?
I think that FPD did a good job in preparing me to be spiritually “on my own.” I’ve learned that even though you’re in class less in college, it seems like you’re much busier. And throughout the chaos of your day, it’s easy to forget to read your Bible or read your devotion for the day. So I recommend and encourage others to subscribe to a daily devotion or set out some time for you to read your Bible and devote your time to the Lord.
Are there skills or abilities that you now use that you gained during high school?
I use many of the study habits I learned from rigorous classes at FPD! One of my favorite tools to use for my classes is Quizlet and OneNote! Many of my FPD AP classes and teachers helped me develop good note taking skills and study habits. Also, my English teachers did a great job helping me develop my writing skills, which has definitely helped me in multiple college classes.
Looking back, what are your thoughts on your FPD experience?
I had a great experience at FPD! My favorite thing about FPD is most definitely the people. I absolutely loved walking into FPD and seeing my closest friends, classmates, teammates, coaches, teachers, and everyone who makes up FPD. I loved being greeted by the teachers and coaches who would be in the high school lobby when I walked in before school. I realized that one of the best parts of FPD is the people, especially during second semester of senior year and when I started college. FPD is such a loving, caring, and wonderful family to be a part of!
Any advice for the Class of ’19 as they head off to school?
My advice to the Class of ’19 is to enjoy the time they have left with their friends, family, and classmates at FPD. As they prepare to go to college, I hope that they’ll choose somewhere that they will love socially, academically, and spiritually. While in college, I hope that they’ll find something they are passionate about and love to do. College is a big change and it’s tough, but continue to work hard and remember Him throughout these next few years!
Any plans for next year or future goals in progress?
Currently, my goal is become a physical or occupational therapist. I have an opportunity to shadow an occupational therapist, so I am so excited to do that starting this summer!