Over the next few months there will be a lot of activity on FPD’s campus. Not only will we be wrapping up the 2016-17 school year and honoring our graduating seniors, but we will also begin to see a couple of projects outlined in the Master Plan take shape.
One of the initial projects noted in the Master Plan was a new tennis complex to replace the current courts that were damaged by weather and now not suitable for matches. Our boys and girls tennis teams have done a phenomenal job the past two seasons despite having to play all events off-campus, and we are so excited to see our program grow. Through the generosity of several friends and families of FPD, we now have over 70% of the funds needed for the new courts and will be able to start clearing and grading the property in preparation of building the courts in the fall.
The current plan includes eight new courts and a parking area on the south side of campus near the Peake Cross Country Trail. According to our Master Plan, this portion of campus will eventually become a multi-sport athletics complex, of which the tennis center will be a key component. Details for the tennis center are still being finalized.
Adjacent to the tennis courts, will be an expansion of the FPD Peake Cross Country Trail and an event field that will allow FPD to host Cross Country events on campus. The expanded portion will provide for a two loop 5K course, suitable for high school and middle school cross country meets. This is a huge benefit to our campus and the realization of a goal to bring the cross country program to our campus.
The tennis courts and the expanded cross country trail will add to the many opportunities students have to grow and develop their God-given abilities at First Presbyterian Day School. If you have any questions or would like to contribute in order to help see this project completed, please contact FPD Headmaster Gregg Thompson or Jennifer Barfield, FPD Director of Advancement.